Today's Fall Festival feature at Snafood:
Muichic Review and
Gooseberry Patch 'Autumn' Cookbook Review and Giveaway!
MMMM - To me, Fall means cozy homes, fires burning in the fireplace and of course home cooked comfort food. Some days I just don't feel like cooking late in the afternoon - especially on those busy days. As often as I can, I make meals in my slow cooker. The problem is, I run out of recipes and am back to cooking at the stove or in the oven...UGH. I was so happy when I found out I would be reviewing the "Super Fast Slow Cooking" cookbook from Gooseberry Patch. This cookbook is amazing and has so many wonderful, easy-to-make recipes.
I have one cookbook from Gooseberry Patch that I purchased several years ago, and I have always loved it. What I love most about their cookbooks is that they are not your run of the mill. These cookbooks are actually fun to read. The pictures and illustrations actually make me want to cook!

- Over 200 slow-simmered, 5-ingredient or less recipes
- Chapters include Chicken & Turkey, Beef, Pork, Sides & Veggies, Breakfasts, Desserts and more!
- Exclusively designed by Gooseberry Patch
- Hardcover, 224 pages

Gooseberry Patch has a huge selection of cookbooks, but they also have so much more. They have a wonderful selection of adorable items that would be great for gift giving (remember the holidays will be here before we know it!), and also products that would be wonderful to have for your own kitchen. Gooseberry Patch has aprons, bowls, pans, baking kits and mixes, canisters. The list goes on and on. If you cannot decide what to get as a gift, you can always get a gift certificate!
How Gooseberry Patch started (from their website):
Gooseberry Patch started in 1984 one day over the backyard fence in Delaware, Ohio. We were next-door neighbors who shared a love of collecting antiques, gardening and country decorating. Though neither of us had any experience (Jo Ann was a first-grade school teacher and Vickie, a flight attendant & legal secretary), we decided to try our hands at the mail-order business. Since we both had young children, this was perfect for us. We could work from our kitchen tables and keep an eye on the kids too! As our children grew, so did our "little" business. We moved into our own building in the country and filled the shelves to the brim with kitchenware, gourmet goodies, enamelware, bowls and our very own line of cookbooks, calendars and organizers!
The Gooseberry Family is definitely a family that would be fun to join! Not only do Vickie and Jo Ann have wonderful items, they are incredibly nice. So nice in fact, that they have so kindly offered to let me do a giveaway so that you too can be the proud owner of the very same cookbook I reviewed above! Thank you ladies!
Remember to head over to Snafood for your chance to win the Gooseberry Patch - "Autumn with Family Friends" cookbook!
The Giveaway:
One winner will receive a copy of the Gooseberry Patch Cookbook "Super Fast Slow Cooking" shown and reviewed above.
For first (and required) entry, head to Gooseberry Patch and take a look around. Come back and tell me in a comment, another item you would love to have (other than those mentioned in post above!)
Please leave email address (or set Blogger profile to public)
Extra entry options: Follow Gooseberry Patch on Twitter - 1 entry
Become a fan of Gooseberry Patch on Facebook - 1 entry
Sign up for the Gooseberry Patch Email Club - 2 entries
Add the Fall Festival button on your blog - 1 entry
Follow The Speedy Gourmet on Blogger/Google Friend Connect - 1 entry
Add the Fall Festival button on your blog - 1 entry
Follow The Speedy Gourmet on Blogger/Google Friend Connect - 1 entry
Tweet this giveaway using this phrase:
"Win a Gooseberry Patch 'Super Fast Slow Cooking' Cookbook @speedygourmet! http://www.thespeedygourmet.net"
(can be done once daily)
Enter any current Fall Festival giveaway going on at Snafood, telling me in comments which ones you entered - 1 entry per giveaway entered
FINALLY - if you posted the Fall Festival button and commented on The Speedy Gourmet before September 26th, you get 5 extra entries - leave 5 comments
**For even more extra entries, see The Speedy Gourmet "Giveaway Rules" page.
Blog author never gets paid to post. The only compensation for any review on this site is a sample of product for review. I received compensation for this post. The opinions herein are those of blog author only. Compensation received has no bearing on any review outcome. Please refer to my Acknowlegement Policy for further information.

1 – 200 of 419 Newer› Newest»I love Gooseberry products--I like the new 2010 Photo Calendar--this way I can have a gooseberry calendar but personalize it!
i follow gooseberry on twitter
im a facebook fan of gooseberry
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i get gooseberry's email
entered the Gooseberry giveawy at Snafood
i subscribe
follow u on facebook
I love all gooseberry things. I have to pick one. Any of the cookbooks and I love the christmas bubble light night light.
I haven't seen it on their website yet but I love their calendars and would love to get the one for next year.
I LOVE their cookbooks especially their Christmas Books!
Great giveaway.
I am already a fan of theirs on Facebook!
I am a fan of gooseberry patch on facebook.
I am a follower on twitter and Facebook, get the newsletter and just LOVE everything that is Gooseberry Patch! The items all say HOME & Comfort to me. Hugs, Bobbi Jo
I love all Gooseberry Patch products. One of my favorites is the 'Thanksgiving Memories Bowl'.
I follow gooseberry patch on Twitter.
I am a fan of gooseberry patch on facebook.
i receive gooseberyy patch e-mail newsletter.
i like the stainless steel 2 cup sifter, i don't have one :-O
i follow gooseberry patch on twitter (redfuzzycow)
i'm a facebook fan of gooseberry patch (jen reda)
i subscribe to the gooseberry patch newsletter (redfuzzycow@yahoo.com)
i follow your blog through google friend connect (redfuzzycow)
daily tweet http://twitter.com/redfuzzycow/status/4719285571
i entered the gooseberry patch giveaway at snafood
i entered the fiber gourmet giveaway at snafood
i entered the aequare fine chocolates giveaway at snafood
i entered the cuisinart slow cooker giveaway at snafood
i entered the fairytale brownies giveaway at snafood
i entered the mama's goodies giveaway at snafood
i entered the starfrit crepiere pan giveaway at snafood
I love Gooseberry Patch and have most of the cookbooks but I would love the new one All Through the Seasons. I follow them on facebook, tweeter, and get their emails and newsletters. I now follow you as well and Snafood!
I forgot to leave my email. wifeofcop83@yahoo.com
Please enter me to win. I also love the yellow ware bowl set on GBP.
I receive the GBP newsletter: jennymatlock@cox.net
I follow GBP on facebook.
I am a fan of Gooseberry Patch on Facebook
E-mail~ thestrongs6@yahoo.com
I receive "Feather your nest" Gooseberry Patch newsletter monthly.
E-mail~ thestrongs6@yahoo.com
I receive Gooseberry Patch e-mails
E-mail~ thestrongs6@yahoo.com
My favorite Gooseberry Patch item is the "Recipes for Comfort" cookbook and a tin star for the top of the Christmas tree!
E-mail~ thestrongs6@yahoo.com
I'd like to get the Gift Mix booklets- there are several and I think they'd be great for Christmas present "creation" this year.
I'm a Gooseberry Patch fan on FB
I get the Gooseberry Patch email 1
I get the Gooseberry Patch email 2
I follow your blog
I entered the "Fall Festival: Gooseberry Patch Autumn with Family and Friends Cookbook Review and Giveaway" at Snafood
I like any of their stoneware products, especially the "Yelloware Striped Bowls".
If this is open for overseas visitors please count me in.
Just visited the site and would like to be in the running for any of the cookbooks.
I loved the hand quilted Thanksgiving quilt. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.
dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com
I am a subscriber. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.
dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com
The Family Favorites Cookbook looks like a winner to me.
theslajcherts AT gmail dot com
I am a subscriber to your site via Google Reader.
I follow your blog via Google
I also signed up for the Gooseberry email club. Thank you for hosting this giveaway. :) I love cookbooks.
I like the Country Friends Handmade from the Heart Craft Book #9
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
I am following Gooseberry Patch on Twitter as talonsmom731
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
I am following this blog.
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/talonsmom731/statuses/4735284021
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
Blog post: http://goyay.blogspot.com/2009/10/gooseberry-patch-super-fast-slow.html
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
Blog post: http://goyay.blogspot.com/2009/10/gooseberry-patch-super-fast-slow.html
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
Blog post: http://goyay.blogspot.com/2009/10/gooseberry-patch-super-fast-slow.html
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
Blog post: http://goyay.blogspot.com/2009/10/gooseberry-patch-super-fast-slow.html
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
Blog post: http://goyay.blogspot.com/2009/10/gooseberry-patch-super-fast-slow.html
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
One item we like~~ that's hard to do because I want it all. I do like the red speckled breadbox.
I already get the email's at ajknight6 @
and on facebook I'm a fan
Allison Spencer Knight.
I'd love to have the Candle Carver!
following on Gooseberry on twitter @jsoldham
signed up for their email club
signed up for their email club
following your blog
tweet http://twitter.com/jsoldham/status/4746960022
subscribed via email
faved on technorati - gidgie
Entered the Fairytale Brownies giveaway at Snafood
Entered the Mama's Goodies giveaway at Snafood
Entered the Starfrit giveaway at Snafood
Entered the Bake Me a Wish giveaway at Snafood
Entered the Gooseberry Patch giveaway at Snafood
Entered the Vtech giveaway at Snafood
Entered the Make Ahead Meals giveaway at Snafood
Entered the King Arthur giveaway at Snafood
Entered the Cuisinart giveaway at Snafood
Entered the Brown Bow giveaway at Snafood
Entered the Guy and Eva giveaway at Snafood
Entered the Marshalls giveaway at Snafood
Entered the Fiber Gourmet giveaway at Snafood
Entered the Aequare giveaway at Snafood
Entered the Curious Chef giveaway at Snafood
I found what I want for Christmas in there. I would so love to have the Polka Dots and Stripes Serving Bowls. I also want the Firefly Jar Night Light to remind me of my youth.
gourdsrmylife (at) yahoo (dot) com
I subscribe via email.
i'd like to get the turkey nightlight for thanksgiving
gooseberry fb fan
signed up for their emails 1
signed up for their emails 2
fall fest button
google follower
fb blogs follower 1
fb blogs follower 2
email subscriber
i have your button
entered snafood giveaway for brown bow
entered snafood giveaway for cuisinart
entered snafood giveaway for guy and eva
entered snafood giveaway for marshalls
entered snafood giveaway for fiber gourmet
entered snafood giveaway for curious chef
entered snafood giveaway for aequare
entered snafood giveaway for fairytale brownies
entered snafood giveaway for mamas goodies
entered snafood giveaway for busy mom cookbook
entered snafood giveaway for king arthur
entered snafood giveaway for starfrit
entered snafood giveaway for bake me a wish
entered snafood giveaway for gooseberry patch
entered snafood giveaway for vtech
I love the Gooseberry Patch 2010 photo calendar...very cute!
following Gooseberry Patch on twitter as sleatham1
following Gooseberry Patch on facebook shelly leatham
Member of GooseBerry Patch's email club
Member of GooseBerry Patch's email club
entry 2
fall festival button on my blog
follow on google friend connect
entered cuisinart giveaway at snafood
email subscriber
faved on technorati as sleatham1
regular button on my blog
follow on facebook networked blogs
entry 1
I follow Gooseberry on twitter!
I am a fan of Gooseberry on facebook.
I signed up to receive Gooseberry Patch newsletters and emails.
tweeted about this giveaway the past two days.
i entered snafood giveaway for slanket
I love gooseberry patch- get their catalogs all the time- I would love to have the harvest acorn mixing bowls- set of 3
following gooseberry patch on twitter
signed up for goosberry's email club #1
signed up for gooseberry's email club #2
have fall festival button on sidebar under blog events
following on twitter- jblanton41
have button on sidebar under even more cool blogs
subscribed with email
entered snafoods- vtech phone
entered snafoods- starfrit pan
entered snafoods- king arthur flour
entered snafoods- marshalls gc
entered snafoods- cuisinart slow cooker
I like the Daily Gooseberry Patch Every Day Perpetual Calendar.
I follow gooseberry on twitter.
I'm a FB fan of gooseberry.
I signed up for the gooseberry email.
I signed up for the gooseberry email.
I follow on blogger.
I entered the PF giveaway at Snafood.
Email subscriber.
The Gooseberry Patch 2010 Recipe Card Calendar would make a great gift for any cook.
I love GBP! I like the Friends booklets, I have several cookbooks and I must always buy the new Christmas book each year!
It's hard to choose what I like the most because I like EVERYTHING! I do like their confetti mixing bowls and the holiday spatulas are super cute.
I'm following Gooseberry Patch on Twitter (kima86).
I'm a FB fan of Gooseberry Patch.
Signed up for the Gooseberry Patch email/newsetter.
Tweeted your giveaway:
Following your blog via rss feeder/email:
Entered the Gooseberry Patch giveaway.
Following your blog on Facebook Network Blogs.
I also entered the Slanket giveaway.
I didn't realize they had cookbooks. I bet the Taste of Autumn Cookbook has some great things in it.
I just signed up to follow your blog via google.
I love the idea of the Bite-Size Brownie Pan
would love to have the harvest acorn mixing bowls.
thanks trishbazin@yahoo.com
would love to have the harvest acorn mixing bowls.
thanks trishbazin@yahoo.com
i entered snafood giveaway for pepperidge farm
The "Gobble it up" turkey shaped pasta is so cute!
I entered the Pepperidge Farm Giveaway.
I entered the Slanket giveaway.
I entered the Vtech giveaway at snafood.
I entered the Bake Me A Wish giveaway.
I entered the starfrit giveaway.
I entered the Mama's Goodies Nut Brittle giveaway.
I entered the Fairytale Brownies giveaway.
I entered the Cuisinart giveaway.
I entered the Make Ahead Meals giveaway.
I entered the King Arthur giveaway.
I want the Pumpkin Bundt Pan
I would want the Peanut Basket!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I follow your blog!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I entered the Fiber Gourmet giveaway at Snafood!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I entered the King Arthur Flour giveaway at Snafood!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I entered the Fairytale Brownies giveaway at Snafood!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I entered the Aequare Fine Chocolate giveaway at Snafood!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
love the vintage red mixing bowls!
I like the A to Z Christmas throw
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I subscribe
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I would like some recipe cards. I would also purchase other cookbooks.
I love their cookbooks, I would also like Recipes for Kindness
sounds like i would love this cookbook
sounds like i would love this cookbook
sounds like i would love this cookbook
I'd love to have the Daily Gooseberry Patch Every Day Perpetual Calendar.
Alicia Webster
I follow Gooseberry Patch on Twitter
Alicia Webster
I am a Fan of Gooseberry Patch on Facebook
Alicia Webster
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