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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fall Festival - Pepperidge Farms Crackers Review and Giveaway

fall festival

Today's Fall Feature at Snafood:
Pepperidge Farm Review and Giveaway!

Today's featured company on The Speedy Gourmet:

Pepperidge Farm giveaway

I have enjoyed Pepperidge Farm products since I was a little kid.  Who doesn't enjoy goldfish...seriously?  They have come a long way since then, and they recently added some wonderful products to their line.

Pepperidge Farm Cheese Crisps Review and giveaway
Lucky me - I got to sample these items for this review!  I sampled the Baked Naturals Cheese Crisps in both flavors: Four Cheese and Four Cheese Italian Herb.  I have found my new snack crackers!  The flavors are rich, yet not overwhelming.  They are baked!  I love that fact.  I found myself dipping these in everything, and putting all sorts of toppings on them (though they are so delicious on their own!).  I also sampled the Garden Flavor "flavor blasted" goldfish - oh yum!  (My daughter and I were kind of playing a tug-o-war game with them...neither of us wanted to let go!).

From the Pepperidge Farms website:
For us, baking is more than a job—it's a real passion. Each day, our bakers take the time to make every cookie, pastry, cracker and loaf of bread the best way they know how... by using simple, good ingredients like real fruit filling baked into Verona® cookies, 100% whole grains baked into our Whole Grain breads, and real cheddar cheese baked into our Goldfish® crackers. It's the little things that make simple food taste special. We believe in doing things right, and we just happen to love it. Baking requires knowledge of the craft, a spirit of exploration and inspired ideas. At Pepperidge Farm, we have been honing and perfecting our chosen craft for generations, and our bakers care deeply about what it means.There's something about freshly baked bread or cookies that simply makes people smile. That's important to us.

Pepperidge Farm Baked Naturals are preservative-free, natural snacks, made with an artisan blend of real cheeses golden baked to bubbly perfection on top of a thin, crispy, crunchy cracker. Four Cheese is made with Aged Cheddar, Parmesan, Romano and Asiago, while Italian Herb is seasoned with flavorful herbs and spices.

Pepperidge Farm GiveawayOf course there are so, so many other goodies that Pepperidge Farm makes - from cookies to desserts to fresh breads and rolls (and everything in between).  I can honestly say I have never met a Pepperidge Farm product that I did not like. Milano Cookies are another one of my favorites (but I'll stop here - this is a post about Baked Naturals!)

The Giveaway IS NOW CLOSED

Blog author never gets paid to post. The only compensation for any review on this site is a sample of product for review. I received compensation for this review/post (in the form of 3 boxes of crackers). The opinions herein are those of blog author only. Compensation received has no bearing on any review outcome. Please refer to my Acknowlegement Policy for further information. 



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tawndam said...

I haven't found a PF product yet that I didn't like! Granted, I have not tried them all (yet) and I would love to try their Brown Sugar Cinnamon Swirl bread

tawndam said...

google follower

AngelFabs said...

I would like to try their 100 percent natural honey flax bread. It's nice to see large companies making things without corn syrup.

AngelFabs said...

I follow PF on twitter.

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AngelFabs said...

I entered the PF giveaway at Snafood.

roserpa said...

Thanks for the contest. I have seen but haven't tried the Texas Toast. Sounds interesting.

Anonymous said...

I would love to try their Puff Pastry Peach Turnovers.
one 4 earth at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I tweeted this contest at
one 4 earth at aol dot com

Lynne said...

I would like to try the dark chocolate brownie soft baked cookies.

Lynne said...

I'm a follower.

Nancy said...

I saw that they now have Milano cookies in chocolate with mint or raspberry. I'll be checking those out!

Nancy said...

I am already following PepperidgeFarm on Twitter as njhhb.

Nancy said...

I entered the Slanket giveaway.

Nancy said...

I entered the VTech Cordless Phone giveaway.

Nancy said...

I entered the Bake Me a Wish giveaway.

Nancy said...

I entered the Cuisinart giveaway.

PatZ said...

I hope the cheese snacks are gluten free. They sound delicious.

CathyH said...

I love their products but haven't tried the puff pastry yet, sure I would love it

plhill2000 said...

I'd love any of their cookies, especially the Brussels.

redfuzzycow said...

i would love to try the pretzel thins!!!

redfuzzycow said...

i follow pepperidge farm on twitter (redfuzzycow)

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redfuzzycow said...

i entered the gooseberry patch giveaway at snafood

redfuzzycow said...

i entered the bake me a wish giveaway at snafood

redfuzzycow said...

i entered the starfrit crepiere pan giveaway at snafood

redfuzzycow said...

i entered the mama's goodies giveaway at snafood

redfuzzycow said...

i entered the fairytale brownies giveaway at snafood

redfuzzycow said...

i entered the king arthur flour giveaway at snafood

redfuzzycow said...

i entered the fiber gourmet giveaway at snafood

redfuzzycow said...

i entered the guy and eva giveaway at snafood

redfuzzycow said...

i entered the vtech phone giveaway at snafood

redfuzzycow said...

i entered the cuisinart slow cooker giveaway at snafood

redfuzzycow said...

i entered the pepperidge farm giveaway at snafood

redfuzzycow said...

i tweeted

Brn2lisn said...

I love their products. My favorite are the Milano cookies


Marj said...

Since I know what the Coconut Cake tastes like, many times over, I think it is time I tried working with the Puff Pastry.
gourdsrmylife (at) yahoo (dot) com

Marj said...

email subscriber
gourdsrmylife (at) yahoo (dot) com

Marj said...

I entered the Gooseberry Patch giveaway at Snafood.
gourdsrmylife (at) yahoo (dot) com

Amber said...

I would love to try the Puff Pastry Shells from Pepperidge Farms!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I follow your blog!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I entered the Fairy Tale Brownies giveaway at Snafood!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I entered the King Arthur giveaway at Snafood!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I entered the Fiber Gourmet giveaway at Snafood!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

peg42 said...

I would also love to try the Petite Twists Puffed Pastry Treats. Thanks so much.

peg42 said...

I'm a follower.

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Entry 1
Thanks again.

peg42 said...

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Entry 2
Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

entered the Pepperidge giveaway at Snafood
one 4 earth at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

entered the Slanket giveaway at Snafood
one 4 earth at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

entered the Bake Me A Wish giveaway at Snafood
one 4 earth at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

entered the Fairytale giveaway at Snafood
one 4 earth at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

entered the Mama's Goodies giveaway at Snafood
one 4 earth at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

entered the King Arthur giveaway at Snafood
one 4 earth at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

entered the Curious Chef giveaway at Snafood
one 4 earth at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

entered the Aequare giveaway at Snafood
one 4 earth at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

entered the Fiber Gourmet giveaway at Snafood
one 4 earth at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

entered the Marshalls giveaway at Snafood
one 4 earth at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

entered the Brown Bow giveaway at Snafood
one 4 earth at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

entered the Cuisinart giveaway at Snafood
one 4 earth at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I have always wanted to try their Cinnamon Swirl bread.
nynekats at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I entered the Pepperidge Farms giveaway at Snafood.
nynekats at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I entered the Cuisinart giveaway at Snafood.
nynekats at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I entered the Brown Bow Gift Co. giveaway at Snafood.
nynekats at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I entered the Marshalls giveaway at Snafood.
nynekats at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I entered the Fiber Gourmet giveaway at Snafood.
nynekats at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I entered the Aequare Chocolates giveaway at Snafood.
nynekats at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I entered the Curious Chef giveaway at Snafood.
nynekats at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I entered the King Arthur Flour giveaway at Snafood.
nynekats at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I entered the Mama's Goodies giveaway at Snafood.
nynekats at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I entered the Fairytale Brownies giveaway at Snafood.
nynekats at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I entered the Bake Me A Wish giveaway at Snafood.
nynekats at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I entered the Slanket giveaway at Snafood.
nynekats at aol dot com

katy said...

I would like to try the Snickerdoodle Soft Baked Cookies.

heaven_1_@hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

Sweet Cinnamon Twists look great

Unknown said...

following pepperidge farm on twitter

Unknown said...

Unknown said...

following your blog

Jeanine said...

i love to try some of their new goldfish.

Jeanine said...

pepperidge farm fb fan

Jeanine said...

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Jeanine said...

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Jeanine said...

i entered snafood giveaway for pepperidge farm

Jeanine said...

i entered snafood giveaway for slanket

Jeanine said...

i entered snafood giveaway for vtech

Jeanine said...

i entered snafood giveaway for gooseberry patch

Jeanine said...

i entered snafood giveaway for bake me a wish

Jeanine said...

i entered snafood giveaway for starfrit

Jeanine said...

i entered snafood giveaway for king arthur

Jeanine said...

i entered snafood giveaway for busy mom cookbook

Jeanine said...

i entered snafood giveaway for mamas goodies

Jeanine said...

i entered snafood giveaway for fairytale brownies

Jeanine said...

i entered snafood giveaway for brown bow gift co

Jeanine said...

i entered snafood giveaway for cuisinart

Jeanine said...

i entered snafood giveaway for guy and eva

Jeanine said...

i entered snafood giveaway for marshalls

Jeanine said...

i entered snafood giveaway for fiber gourmet

Jeanine said...

i entered snafood giveaway for curious chef

Jeanine said...

i entered snafood giveaway for aequare

Erin from Long Island said...

there is little I haven't tried yet. i think i havent had the granola cookies yet and they look good!

Erin from Long Island said...

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Erin from Long Island said...


Erin from Long Island said...

i entered the snafu king aurthur flour giveaway

Erin from Long Island said...

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Erin from Long Island said...

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Stephanie said...

sausalito soft baked cookies look awesome too
tvollowitz at aol dot com

Linda Kish said...

I would like the raisin cinnamon swirl breakfast bread

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

JC said...

I'd like to try Puff Pastry Sheets!

JC said...

Follow Pepperidge Farm on Twitter @tcarolinep

JC said...

fan of Pepperidge Farm on Facebook @tcarolinep JessieKatie S.

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JC said...

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Entered King Arthur's.

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Technorati faved@tcarolinep

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JC said... blogged.

JC said... blogged.

JC said... blogged.

JC said... blogged.

brennaboo said...

I'd love to revisit the Tahiti cookie. I think My Gramma had a variety of these on hand, including this one.

brennaboo said...

twitter follower of Pep Farms. @brennaboo

brennaboo said...


Anonymous said...

i didn't know Pepperidge farms made Cinnamin Swirl Raisin Bread!!
sounds yummy~

Anonymous said...

Now following on you on twitter!!

Diana D said...

Cinnamon swirl toast is real good. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.

dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com

Diana D said...

I am a subscriber. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.

dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com

Ellen C. said...

I'd like to try the mint miliano cookies. Thanks for the chance.

sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com

Jackie said...

I'd love to try the English Muffins. I don't think I've ever seen them in the store...but I will be looking for them. Thanks for the review and giveaway!
jackievillano at gmail dot com

buzzd said...

The brown sugar cinammin bread sounds good.

JC said...

A Family Completed... said...

I would love to try the cinnamon swirl bread YUM
Thanks for the chance
Tonyamcrain [at]

A Family Completed... said...

Entered Divvies

mogrill said...

Entered the Fairytale brownies. Thanks for the chance.

Mary said...

I'd love to try the Brown Sugar Cinnamon Swirl Bread.


llinda29 said...

I like Petite Pirouette™ rolled wafers

Anonymous said...

The Coconut Three Layer Cake looks yummy!

VickieC said...

The Geneva Cookies look great too


VickieC said...

I follow Follow Pepperidge Farm on Twitter


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alovelymadness said...

I am a huge fan of theirs. I used to live by a PF outlet store...I've walked out with 5 bags full of their stuff.

I have not had the Ginger Family cookies yet. Sound good for the holidays.

littlepurpleroom58 at yahoo . com

alovelymadness said...

I follow this here blog.

Mamawj's Moment Away said...

main entry: there cinamon swirl bread sounds yummy

Mamawj's Moment Away said...

I Follow Pepperidge Farm on Twitter

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Mamawj's Moment Away said...

I Tweeted this giveaway using this phritsallnew2me "3 WINNERS: PEPPERIDGE FARMS Cheese Crisps (two boxes each: Four Cheese and Italian Herb) @speedygourmet! http://www.thespeedygourmet..."ase and here is that tweet link

Mamawj's Moment Away said...

i also entered your slanket giveaway too! thanks

momznite said...

Raisin cinnamon swirl bread sounds good.

momznite said...


Anonymous said...

I would like to try the Puff Pastry Twists!

GANDORF57 said...

The brown sugar cinammin bread!

pattycake said...

Puff Pastry Peach Turnovers soo good

pattycake said...

follow pepperidge farm on twitter

pattycake said...

you on twitter

Cynthya said...

I would like to try the Pretzel Thins in the Simply Pretzel flavor.

Anonymous said...

I really want to try the crunchy granola triple nut cookies! Yum!

hebert024 at aol dot com

Shelly Leatham said...

The Brown Sugar Cinnamon Swirl bread sounds awesome...I already love everything else I've ever tried!!

Shelly Leatham said...

following Pepperidge farms on twitter
as sleatham1

Shelly Leatham said...

following Pepperidge farm on facebook
shelly leatham

Shelly Leatham said...

I follow you on GFC

Shelly Leatham said...


Shelly Leatham said...

Entered cuisinart giveaway at snafood

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Entered vtech giveaway at snafood

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Shelly Leatham said...

faved on technorati as sleatham1

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